
The Spring Green Community Center is a 501(c)4 organization. 

Our board and staff are dedicated volunteers. We are not government funded and rely on rental income and at-will donations to keep the lights on. 

We gratefully accept donations!


The Community Center first began in 1981 as the Spring Green Senior Center. Congregational minister Robert Vornholt, Pastor Edwin Barsness of the Lutheran Church, and Father Aloysius Fellenz of St. John’s Catholic Church banded together to create a shared space where members of the community could gather. With the help of grant-writer Ralph Kolen and generous donations from community organizations, funds were procured to purchase land from the village and construct the building.

Throughout its many years as the Senior Center, we have served as a central meeting place for coffee, cards and meals for the area’s senior citizens.  In turn the seniors have sponsored such events as the annual deer hunters’ breakfast, breakfast with Santa, Country Christmas, health screenings and the Easter parade.  We have also served (and continue to serve) as the meeting site for various community groups and programs. The building was even used as the bus depot for a while!

Due to a variety of difficulties prior to the pandemic, the Senior Center was set to close its doors in 2019. But, thanks to a group of dedicated community volunteers, the building and organization was revitalized and reopened as the Spring Green Community Center with the aim of serving the needs of a growing and changing Spring Green community.  Equipped with new siding, interior, windows donated by Cardinal Glass, and an ionizing filtration system, the space is now primed for community events, classes, and private rentals. 

It is our mission to serve as a safe gathering space for social interaction and cultivation of a high quality of life through programs promoting lifelong learning, healthy living and cultural awareness for all residents of the Spring Green area.  

Volunteer Board 

Nora Moe - President

Pat Fargen - Treasurer

Kathleen McDonald -Secretary

Dan Kettner

Judy Ettenhofer

Gail Burchill 

Vicki Terpstra